Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Let Your Love Grow Tall: 11 Months

One of my favorite pictures of Sweet P
This month started out on a euphoric high - STAYING HOME ALL DAY WITH MY CHUNKY MONKEY!! Which was quickly overshadowed by having to pack up my house and home to go to Girls' Camp with the youth girls from my church... and sleep in a tent. Now here's the thing. I was not a part of Young Women's so I didn't know any of these girls. I also had a 10 month old that I was JUST getting to spend time with. Otherwise I would've been more than excited... But a week in tents, having to sneak off to pump so I could reach my goal of breastfeeding for a year - No, no thank you.

But I put on my big girl panties and sent Paisley to Camp Nana for the week where I was sent constant photograph/video updates that only made me miss her more. She was having way too much fun without me. An impending flash flood afforded us the luxury of packing up and heading out a day early (only after all of our personal belongings and tents were already flooded). My mom decided to bring Paisley back to us, so Jeff and I went on our favorite burger date (The Vortex) while we awaited the princess's arrival.

I dare say the best burger in Atlanta

Nana got here a little later expected, so Jeff was at his weekly basketball game when she pulled in with a delusional 10 month old who was up much past her bed time. I just knew she was going to die with excitement when she saw me! The van door couldn't open fast enough. I couldn't get her out of her car seat fast enough. Then I realized... she didn't recognize me. I was a stranger. She started reaching for her Nana and the tears started welling... In both of our eyes. I was stunned. All I could think in that moment was, "CURSE YOU GIRLS' CAMP!"

I rushed inside and tried to soothe and console. Nothing. I tried to nurse. Refusal. I tried to cuddle. Arched-back. Screaming. With tears in my eyes I gave up, put her in bed screaming, and brokenheartedly walked away. I tearfully told Jeff what happened and he reassured me she would be fine in the morning.

He was right. She couldn't wait to be in our arms again. She stretched her little hand between the rails and grabbed Jeff's hand. The sweetest moment. No longer delusional. She knew she was home. (Good thing because Nana was about to get it for brainwashing Paisley to forget us... Of course she blamed it on April, though.)

Relaxing with Dad (she never sits still like this!)

Modeling her dress from Aunt Ashley
Snuggling with Daddy

Holding Daddy's hand on a walk

Trying on glasses with Aunt April
We spent the rest of the month getting reacquainted, laughing, and throwing fits. She may seem angelic but Paisley can throw a mean fit. Most of the time it's because she's hangry (severe hunger which causes one to become hangry). Other times it's because I won't let her climb the stairs another hundred times in the same hour. This girl... She's quite the pistol. But man do we love her!

She loves to play "office" - I think she's Pam
Swimming with Drulie
Always having way too much fun at Costco

After nap hair. Seriously what happened?
She seriously loves this kid... It just doesn't seem like it

Everyone in Primary loves Paisley
Oh she's also been working on her swimming! She loves, loves, loves the water. When we walk towards the pool she starts squealing and kicking. She can't wait to get in. She kicks really well, puts her face in, holds the wall by herself, and can swim about 2 feet without assistance! I'm secretly going to train her to become an Olympic swimmer (Jeff would prefer something more feminine). Look out for her gold! (Short video of her swimming below.)

Just kickin' it
She looks like an old lady after some eye surgery
 Somehow Evaleigh and Paisley's playdate video did not make it into her 11 month video! Here's P and EJ bonding over hair.

Here's what's she's been up to this month. This girl was born with rhythm and takes every opportunity to dance! She loves music and crawls over to the iPod dock and waits for me to turn something on. Indie music is her favorite and she always tries to sing with The Staves. A girl after my own heart.

Paisley 11 Months from Jeff Nef on Vimeo.

Because I know you're so intrigued with my video making skills, here are the others in case you missed them:
10 month video (my favorite video so far)
9 month video
8 month video
7 month video
6 month video
5 month video
4 month video
3 month video
2 month video
1 month video


Sara said...

Aw, that was such a sad little story. I'm glad Jeff was there to make you feel better, and I'm glad it actually was better in the morning!

What a cutie. :)

Tami said...

she is SO. CUTE. and jeff is so in love with her. also SO. CUTE. :)

Unknown said...

it was the saddest day of my life! and tami, jeff is obsessed with her. spoiled rotten!